Journey through John
Why Journey through John?
The Gospel of John was written by someone recording an eyewitness to the events of Jesus' ministry. In the gospel, they refer to the witness as ‘the disciple Jesus loved’, and who many people think was the apostle John. In his writing, John wanted people to know Jesus as he knew him: the ‘word made flesh’, who was ‘with God in the beginning’ and ‘sustainer of all things’, but also the one who crossed cultural and racial barriers to bring life. John’s Jesus claimed to be human but also divine and offered God's spirit so that all people could start a new life with God now, not waiting until we die. That sounds like a good reason for us to read John afresh, and I hope you will join with us!
First, watch two short videos by The Bible Project that provide an overview of the whole gospel of John.
Join us on Sundays
On Sundays, we will be looking at the seven "I am" statements that are recorded in the gospel of John.​
Journey through John in 60 days
Join us as we read through the gospel of John in 60 days, starting on 3rd February. Here is the guide.

If you're not a great reader, you could watch a little bit of John's gospel each day (See this YouTube playlist)
Or if you prefer, you could listen to John's gospel being narrated - maybe in a different translation to the one you usually listen to? (https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/dolan/msg/John.1)
Journey with others - on whatsapp
We've set up a whatsapp group which anyone can join - it's a great way to share insights and ask questions about what you're reading, and learn from others as we journey together. Click here to join the whatsapp group.
Extra resources
If you would like to learn a bit more about the passage you are reading, then having another book to help guide you can be helpful. These are called commentaries.
There is: Phil Moore, John (part of his Straight to the Heart series) and Tom Wright, ‘John for Everyone’ (two books).
or you can buy both books at the Sunday service.
Slightly less detailed but providing an excellent overview of each book of the New Testament is David Desilva's ‘An Introduction to the New Testament’ (£36 second hand from Amazon)