As Christians, we believe that God's world is precious. He made it, sustains it, has redeemed it and will one day renew it. He has given us the responsibility to take care of it.
We are therefore actively working towards being much more environmentally friendly both as individuals and as a church community. We have so far achieved our Eco Church Bronze Award, and are working towards our Silver award.
We have some recycling boxes in our church building for Tetra Paks, waste electrical items, used pens and tin foil.
We host a Repair Café in the Parish Hall every two months, where you can bring along all sorts of things including: Electrical items, Computers, Jewellery, Bikes, Clothes, Woodwork, metal work and furniture. A donation is requested – but you do get drinks and homemade cakes whilst you wait! See upcoming dates on the calendar.

​We offset our carbon footprint via our mission partners in Uganda, and support A Rocha who equip Christians and churches to be good stewards of the environment.
Our community litter-picking group meet on one Saturday morning each month to pick up litter around the local area. See upcoming dates on the calendar.