Safeguarding at St James' by the Park
We are committed to protect and care for everyone in the church community, but especially vulnerable adults and children.
All staff and volunteers who lead groups for under 18s have been checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service. All volunteers who help with groups for under 18s have been safely recruited.
Here's a copy of our child, young people and vulnerable adult safeguarding policy.
Here's a link to the Church of England Parish Safeguarding Handbook.
Here's a link to the Diocese of Winchester Safeguarding Pages and Resources.
If you have any safeguarding concerns:
Even if you think, “It’s probably nothing …” it is really important that you report your concerns quickly.
Please contact Rosie (our Safeguarding Officer) on 07926663813 or by email; or speak with Dan (vicar) or Angel (children's team leader) or Josh (youth team leader). If you would prefer to speak to someone outside our church, please contact the diocesan safeguarding team on 07906627052 or by email.

Other organisations offering help and support:
Childline: 08001111, www.childline.org.uk, for any children who feel unsafe in any situation
Family Lives: 08088002222, www.familylives.org.uk, help & support for families
Local Authority Social Services (Out of Hours) 03005551373
Emergency Services: 999
National Domestic Violence Support
For women: 08002000247, www.nationaldomesticviolencehelpline.org.uk
For men: 08088010327, www.mensadviceline.org.uk